Sustainability Policy
This Policy sets out Mercer IS's key principles and approach in relation to all sustainability related topics.

MGIE Remuneration Policy
MGIM Remuneration Policy


Sustainability related disclosures for Funds Promoting Environmental or Social Characteristics (Article 8) and Funds with Sustainable Investment or Reduction in Carbon Emissions as their Objective (Article 9) can be found in the Our Funds section of the Mercer Investment Solutions website.

For sustainability-related disclosures of client portfolios that disclose under Article 8 or Article 9 requirements please contact your Mercer Representative.



Principle Adverse Sustainability Impacts Summary

Principle Adverse Sustainability Impacts Statement
This report summarises how Mercer IS considers principal adverse impacts of its investment decisions on sustainability factors



Stewardship Policy
This Policy represents Mercer IS's commitment to industry standards of good governance and stewardship.

Stewardship Report

Proxy Voting Search



    How Mercer ISE's strategy and it's implementation
    a) Complies with the arrangements entered into with the Institutional Investor and

    b) contributes to the medium to long-term performance of the assets of the institutional investor or of a fund managed by the institutional investor
    This information can be found in Mercer ISE's Sustainability Policy available on our Responsible Investment website.

    Information on key material medium to long term risks associated with the Investments

    This information can be found in Mercer ISE's Sustainability Policy available on our Responsible Investment website and in Mercer ISE's Fund’s Financial Statements.

    Portfolio Composition, Turnover and Turnover Costs

    For investors of Mercer ISE Funds within the scope of SRD II, the portfolio composition can be found within the Fund Annual Reports and Audited Financial Statements. These documents can be found here on the fund information section of our Investment Solutions website.

    The portfolio turnover of equities within a portfolio will vary in relation to the investment strategy. For your relevant fund investments, the Portfolio Turnover Rate (“PTR”) of securities within the fund can be found within the summary table.

    The transaction costs associated with the turnover of financial instruments within your portfolio are provided in accordance with MiFID within the ex-post cost disclosures you receive on an annual basis. In addition, the transaction costs associated with the turnover of all instruments within the relevant Mercer ISE Funds produced in accordance with MiFID are available within the ex-post cost disclosure of the European MiFID Template (“EMT”) which is made available under the MiFID Costs & Charges Information section of our website European MiFID Template (EMT).

    The use of proxy advisors for the purpose of engagement activities
    Information related to the use of proxy advisors can be found in the Mercer ISE Stewardship Report available on our Responsible Investment website.

    Mercer ISE's policy on securities lending and how it relates to voting and engagement activities, if applicable, particularly at the time of the general meeting of the investee companies.
    Information on how securities lending relates to voting and engagement activities, if applicable, can be found in Mercer ISE's Sustainability Policy available on our Responsible Investment website.

    How Mercer ISE makes investments decisions based on its evaluation of medium to long-term performance of the investee company, including non-financial performance
    Information can be found in Mercer ISE's Sustainability Policy available on our Responsible Investment website.

    Information on any conflicts of interest that arose in connection with engagement activities and how Mercer ISE dealt with them.
    Information can be found in the Mercer ISE Stewardship Report available on our Responsible Investment website.



Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures 2022 Status Report


2021 PRI Assessment Report
Mercer Investment Solutions 2021 Assessment Report. The Assessment report is designed to provide feedback to signatories to support ongoing learning and development.

2021 PRI Public Transparency Report
Mercer Investment Solutions 2021 Transparency Report. PRI signatories are required to report publicly on their responsible investment activities each year. All of the Transparency Reports from 2021 are also publically available on the PRI website.